Our co***ny was established in 1995.It was during the ten years established and the regional customer's trust deeply.we can offer various of famous brand shoes.such as jordan,nike,adidas and so on.All of is sell as the wholesale price.So the price is very reasonable.What is more important,the high quality and the low price is our target.the more you purchase the more you will find that they are perfect!Otherwise we will have no room to stand on the world business.What is more important, pay shipment by ourself. You also can order small qoantity anytime .Because we 'd like to establish long team bussiness relationship with you.You can see our co***ny website at first:www.smlteng.com. may be you will find something new.My e-mail is :BISANG2LjS@YAHOO.COM.CN or bellex0915@ho***il.com Please contact me as soon as possibly.thank you !